A new frontier for AI  

We’re celebrating the efforts of our 2024 AI research cycle by reflecting on what it takes to push the envelope in space exploration and research.  

AI is no-longer an academic curiosity. We’re now in the era where this transformative new tool is now making substantive contributions to both space exploration and how we protect our planet. 

However, the shift from a cool demo to something we can trust requires a new level of rigor and engineering excellence. 

Fortunately, we can learn from the very same principles that got humanity to the Moon and back safely to Earth. These stringent standards of engineering excellence are what we have been striving for at FDL-X Heliolab in partnership with NASA, Google Cloud, NVIDIA and Pasteur Labs. 

You can watch the different teams presentations bellow.




Jonathan Knowles and Anne Spalding 

Celebrating the efforts of our 2024 AI research cycle by reflecting on what it takes to push the envelope in space exploration and research.

NASA Introduction

Lika Guhathakurta
An introduction to Heliolab and RADIANT, setting the stage for our showcase.

Discussion: The Moonshot’s Legacy for AI

Massy Mascaro, Lika Guhathakurta
A deep dive into trusted solutions and open science. Our discussion focuses on what it takes to achieve great AI through the lessons learned from the Apollo program, emphasizing:

  1. Attention to Detail

  2. Design Simplicity

  3. Comprehensive Testing

  4. Strict Configuration Control

  5. Extensive Training and Simulation

HelioLab R&T Challenges

Geoeffectiveness Continuous Learning Team
Thermospheric Density Continuous Learning Team
Exploration of the research and technological challenges tackled by the teams.

Panel Discussion

Bashi Ferdousi, Tom Berger, Massy Mascaro, Lika Guhathakurta, and challenge faculty Mike Heyns, James Walsh, Giacomo Acciarini 

A panel of experts reflects on the work conducted and its implications. Interviewers will ask each panelist to draw comparisons between the Moonshot Legacy and their current work.

HelioLab Research Challenges

Spectral Irradiance of the 3D Sun on Mars
Forecasting Radiation Exposure for Human Space Flight
Presentation on ongoing research challenges and innovations.

Panel Discussion

Angelos Voudrais, Sylvain Costes, Lika Guhathakurta and challenge faculty: Andres Munoz-Jaramillo, Robert Jarolim and Gunes Baydin

Another panel session where experts reflect on the current research work.

Collaboration Awards

Celebration of collaborative achievements with the introduction of a new award:

  • Apollo Award: Honoring the team that best embodied the Moonshot legacy.

Final Word

Jonathan Knowles and Anne Spalding
Closing remarks.

James Parr
Final thoughts and farewell.

FDL-X Helio Live 2023

In 2023 live showcase, FDL-X Teams will unveil their new approaches to enable earlier decisions, better predictions and planning strategies within the complexity of Heliophysics, SAR and NLP systems. LiVE SHOWCASE 2022